KIDS – Kernel Intrusion Detection System

From April 23, 2008 to April 22, 2008 in Attacks

This presentation intend to cover specifically the most necessary and more undocumented area of the computer security: attacks to the core of the systems (Kernel-level attacks which can defeat the existing security models). As all we know, security systems generally runs with the kernel privilegies (like pax, lids, selinux and more others) and can be bypassed if the kernel itself has been compromised. Attempts to protect the kernel mode (like canary protection into the kernel mode, introduced by Windows 2003 and pax-randkstack/noexec protections) exist, but are restrict in protecting the exploitation, not preventing the exploitation consequences. St. Michael is an open-source project, that covers Solaris and Linux (in the future, I plan to port it to NetBSD systems too) and try to offer a security integrity checks into that systems (it will check filesystem, kernel structures and MBR of the system against any attempt to change or any changes, and have the capability to recover the system or take it down). During the presentation, many test-attacks will be used to explain how the StMichael actually works to defeat/detect attacks. Also, a sample will be showed, using StMichael and many others kernel security related tools (special focus into PAX). This presentation is intendeed to go deeper into the subject showed in Hack In The Box Conference, Dubai/2007.

Rodrigo Branco

Rodrigo Rubira Branco (BSDaemon) works as Principal Security Researcher at Intel Corporation and is the Founder of the Dissect || PE Malware Analysis Project. Held positions as Director of Vulnerability & Malware Research at Qualys and as Chief Security Research at Check Point where he founded the Vulnerability Discovery Team (VDT) and released dozens of vulnerabilities in many important software. In 2011 he was honored as one of the top contributors to Adobe Vulnerabilities in the past 12 months. Previous to that, he worked as Senior Vulnerability Researcher in COSEINC, as Principal Security Researcher at Scanit and as Staff Software Engineer in the IBM Advanced Linux Response Team (ALRT) also working in the IBM Toolchain (Debugging) Team for PowerPC Architecture. He is a member of the RISE Security Group and is the organizer of Hackers to Hackers Conference (H2HC), the oldest and biggest security research conference in Latin America. He is an active contributor to open-source projects (like ebizzy, linux kernel, others). Accepted speaker in lots of security and open-source related events as H2HC, Black Hat, Hack in The Box, XCon, VNSecurity, OLS, Defcon, Hackito, Ekoparty, Troopers and others.